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Sibs Talk primary school intervention

Many schools are working with pupils who are having problems at school because of their sibling experiences. Sibs Talk has been specifically designed, in consultation with siblings and schools, to help your school support these siblings.

Sibs Talk has been piloted in primary schools across England during 2017/18 and evaluated by the University of Warwick. The evaluation showed that Sibs Talk delivered positive outcomes for the pupils who took part.


Supporting siblings of children with a special educational need or disability: An evaluation of Sibs Talk, a one‐to‐one intervention delivered by staff in mainstream schools” 

or  Summary of Sibs Talk intervention evaluation.

‘Sibs Talk is an incredibly powerful tool, giving a voice to a group of vulnerable children; I would recommend it to every school!’

Andrew Symonds, Head Teacher, Richard Taylor Primary School, Harrogate

What is Sibs Talk?

Sibs Talk is a one-to-one support intervention for school staff to use with siblings in Key Stage 2. Its purpose is to improve siblings’ wellbeing and their engagement with learning. It is an activity booklet where each page is a short session for the sibling to work through with a member of staff. There are ten sessions that can be spread out over a term.

The activities in the booklet aim to:

  • normalise the experiences that siblings have growing up in their families
  • acknowledge the feelings that siblings have about their lives
  • teach siblings coping strategies for dealing with difficult situations
  • enable schools to make positive changes that enhance siblings’ school life.

Sibs Talk intervention for primary schools

How does Sibs Talk fit with other school initiatives?

Sibs Talk links in with school policies and initiatives on:

  • Wellbeing and resilience
  • Young carers
  • Difference and diversity
  • Anti-bullying and safeguarding
  • SEND support.

‘Sibs Talk is put together with great understanding and thought for the experiences and feelings of these siblings. It is very easy to deliver with excellent training and preparatory resources.’ 

Charlotte Partridge, Assistant SENCO, St Andrew’s C of E Primary School, Hove

Getting the Sibs Talk package for your school

The Sibs Talk offer:

  • A two-hour online training session for between 8 and 12 staff at your school
  • Sibs Talk pack for each sibling – this contains everything you need to complete the intervention including an activity booklet, stickers, and certificate
  • Advice on how to identity these siblings in your school and on evaluating the intervention outcomes
  • Support for siblings at your school through our YoungSibs online service.

Sibs Talk can only be delivered by school staff who have been trained by Sibs to deliver the intervention. Staff who attend the training may be from the same school or a group of schools. We expect a member of SLT to oversee Sibs Talk in your school and to participate in the training session.

Cost of training and resources:

Training session

A two-hour online session for between 8 and 12 staff including course materials and Sibs Talk instruction manuals for participants, and 10 Sibs Talk interventions packs for pupils

£655 plus trainer’s expenses (travel and accommodation)

Additional Sibs Talk intervention packs for your pupils 

5 packs     £35
10 packs   £65
20 packs   £100

We would love to have your primary school on board with this project to support siblings.

To find out more about Sibs Talk or to arrange a training session in your school contact Sibs

Sibs Talk resources for staff post training