Start the session with the Name, Action, Repeat activity to learn names and warm everyone up. Then explain the purpose of the session, go over the ground rules and answer any any questions.
Discussion activity - 25 minutes
This activity should be chosen to suit the aims of your session. For a first session a good activity for getting the siblings talking about their lives is My World.
Break - 10 minutes
Time for a loo trip and to have a drink and a snack
Fun activity - 10 minutes
Do some physical games to help the sibling bond together as a group and to have fun. Activities with movement help siblings access their emotions more easily. Do a quick game of Twin tag and then Knots.
Discussion activity - 20 minutes
Again this activity should be chosen to suit the aims of your session. Create ‘Things that help when’ cards to discuss what the siblings can do when they are experiencing difficult times.
Ending activity - 10 minutes
A positive winter ending activity is Snowball fight to ask siblings what they have enjoyed or learned at the group. After this ask everyone to sit in a circle and say one thing they are looking forward to in the week ahead.