Adult siblings and loneliness
Being a sibling of someone with a lifelong disability can be a complex and challenging experience. Siblings often feel lonely when they are the only person advocating for their disabled brother or sister’s needs, when a parent overlooks their opinion or when a well-meaning friend doesn’t understand what sibling life is like. Many siblings grow up not knowing there are other people out there with similar experiences, but it can really help to know that you’re not alone.
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Reasons why siblings may feel lonely
Siblings have a unique perspective within their family:
- Many siblings have only known a life that centres around the care and support of their disabled brother or sister. Whereas a parent may have had the comparison of having a different life before and after having a disabled child, a sibling doesn’t have this unless there is a large age gap.
- A sibling is usually in a similar age bracket as their disabled brother or sister, giving them a peer perspective on their lives that isn’t shared by parents.
- A social worker goes on maternity leave, the learning disability nurse retires, the care home closes down and another re-opens. Whilst relationships with professionals and services all naturally change over the years, a sibling is often there for life. A sibling will most likely have the longest standing relationship with the disabled person, beyond the death of parents and the changes in services.
“Siblings are a lost group. We are accustomed to existing in the shadows of someone we love who has more urgent needs.” – Adult sibling
A lonely relationship with your disabled brother/sister
Some disabilities and neurodiversities can impact the way someone builds relationships and interacts with another person. For a sibling, this might mean that their brother or sister isn’t able to reciprocate love and care in the same way that they do. This can feel like quite a lonely relationship to be in at times and may feel more lonely than if the sibling were an only child. There may be reminders at different times of a siblings’ life that intensify this type of loneliness, for example, when they go through a difficult time in their lives and their brother/sister isn’t supportive.
“My brother is autistic. He doesn’t say thank you, he doesn’t listen, he can’t reciprocate kind gestures… I care about him and I do things for him, but it’s hard not having this in return.” – Adult sibling
Having other brother(s) and sister(s)
Siblings with no other brothers or sisters to share their perspective with often describe themselves as feeling like an only child, except without the attention an only child receives.
Siblings who do have another brother or sister don’t always get along with them. They might not share the same perspective on experiences growing up or share care tasks equally as adults. It can be difficult for siblings to talk with each other about the issues surrounding their disabled brother or sister’s care.
Both of these experiences look different, but can feel lonely in a similar way.
“As a child I spent a lot of time on my own, after school or in the school holidays, for example, whilst my parents were occupied with my brother and his care. Whilst I learnt to be self sufficient, it was a very lonely childhood in a lot of ways, and this has definitely shaped my personality, and negatively impacted my own mental health over the years.
Physically, as I didn’t have a sibling I could go to the same school with, or do most of the things kids enjoy with, or even just be with without any stress.
Emotionally, because there’s no more lonely feeling than being the centre of attention for the three years before my brother was born, then overnight changing to feeling I was virtually ignored, out of necessity due to my brother’s requirements and ill-health.
As a child and adolescent, I felt like I had to live a ‘double life’, pretending when I was out of the house that everything was fine at home, when it certainly wasn’t – and that’s a sad and lonely place to be.
As an adult, I feel lonely every time I see someone chatting in the pub with their sibling, or text messaging them about their day, or having nieces or nephews to make a fuss of. I have filled my life as best I can with my friends, my career, my pets, and the things I enjoy doing, but deep down that lonely empty feeling is always there.” – Adult sibling
Loneliness in childhood
Some adult siblings may have felt lonely during their childhood because:
- They may have spent less time with their parent(s), who were busy with care tasks
- They may have had less attention from parent(s). Even when they spent time together the focus of the conversation or the situation may have been centred around the disabled child’s needs and preferences
- They may have had to become quite self-sufficient at a young age on a practical level (e.g. making their own meals, organising themselves) or on an emotional level (e.g. not sharing worries, problem-solving by themselves) because a parent wasn’t able to help with these things
- They may have had to effectively be a parent to their parent(s), by providing emotional and practical support particularly during stressful periods of family life
- They may not have had the same social opportunities to build friendships. Their spare time may have been taken up with caring tasks; they may not have been able to bring friends home; they may not have been able to access the community as a family if it didn’t meet their brother/sister’s needs
- They may have worried about the future (and still worry about this as an adult) and had no one to discuss this with
Sibling’s whose brother or sister had a life-limiting illness, may have worried about a time when they will die and anticipated the loneliness they will feel. This may especially be the case for siblings who have no other brothers and sisters, or who don’t have a close relationship with their other brothers and sisters.
Siblings who have two or more disabled brothers or sisters, and who don’t have other non-disabled brothers and sisters, may have felt particularly lonely as the only non-disabled child.
The loneliness a sibling experienced in childhood can carry on into adulthood or it can re-appear in adulthood in a stronger way. For example, when an adult sibling feels lonely again, this may be heightened because of their experiences in childhood.
“My two sisters went to physio and I always wanted to go along. I saw them ‘playing’ on the colourful equipment thinking they were having so much fun and as I saw it, I was the only one who wasn’t invited” – Adult sibling
Being a sibling carer
- Sibling carers might be providing emotional and practical support to their disabled brother or sister, or parent(s), or both. They might live with them, live close by or might be providing this support at a distance. They might have their phone on at all hours of the day and night in case they are needed at any time.
- Many sibling carers find they are the only one able to ‘step up’ and provide vital care to their disabled brother or sister when a parent is ill, a support worker phones in sick, or a service changes. This is because they may be the only other person who has the knowledge, experience and understanding of their brother or sister’s needs.
- Some sibling carers, particularly those whose parents have died, may be providing full-time care, support and advocacy for their disabled brother or sister.
- Some sibling carers don’t have a reciprocal relationship with their brother or sister. Some symptoms of certain conditions (e.g. mental illness, autism) may mean that a person actively rejects the one caring for them, whilst still needing this care. A sibling can feel very lonely providing care but receiving rejection.
“I find it really hard to connect with my autistic sister. If I died, she wouldn’t be sad about it. We don’t have a reciprocal relationship” – Adult sibling
“Sometimes I feel like all I have to talk about is my care issues, and I don’t want to bore my friends with those. I worry that they’ll just see me as negative and will drift away” – Adult sibling
Siblings who aren’t carers
- Siblings who don’t provide care and support for their disabled brother or sister or parents, can often feel lonely because they don’t ‘fit into’ services for family carers and might not feel like their feelings and experiences are valid.
- Many siblings feel guilty when they don’t provide care, and resentful when they do. Cycling between guilt and resentment can be a very lonely place as it’s not fully understood by peers who can’t appreciate the complexity of the situation and the feelings involved.
- Many siblings don’t have a close relationship with their brother or sister, or may be actively rejected by them because of the way certain conditions present (e.g. mental illness, autism).
- Siblings often feel lonely at different points in their lives when there are reminders of the brother/sister relationship they haven’t had. These might be small moments, such as seeing a friend joke around with their brother at a family meal, or bigger moments, such as a sister not being able to be a bridesmaid at a sibling’s wedding. This is sometimes referred to as ‘ongoing sadness or grief’. You can read more about this here.
“Please do all the things I didn’t do until relatively recently – talk to someone about how you feel, ask for help, write your feelings down in a diary – whatever works for you. The Sibs website is so useful in terms of practical and emotional advice, and can help put you in touch with other siblings – and for me that has been a wonderful help.” – Adult sibling
Coping with loneliness
- Acknowledge how you feel. Loneliness feels much harder as a sibling when we tell ourselves that we shouldn’t be feeling it! We might think that somehow we’re doing life ‘wrong’ if we feel lonely or that other siblings are coping better than us. This just isn’t true. Start by accepting that you feel lonely and that this is a normal feeling to have.
- Join a sibling support group. Meeting other siblings who just ‘get’ what sibling life is like can significantly reduce how lonely you feel. All the groups are friendly and will be glad to welcome in a new member, so if you’re unsure about going along – do give it a try! Click here to find out more and sign up.
- Read about the experiences of other siblings. We have a fantastic collection of stories generously shared by siblings across the UK and an eBook filled with sibling tips and experiences too. It can be a huge relief to read something and think ‘me too’. Sharing your story can also relieve feelings of loneliness too – email 500 words to [email protected] and we can add this to the collection.
- Keep the number in mind. How many other adult siblings do you think there are in the UK? 5000? 10,000? It’s 1.7 million. 1.7 million people in the UK have grown up with a brother or sister who has a lifelong disability. Remember that number when you’re the only person advocating for your brother’s care or when your friends’ parents seem to have so much more time to help out with the babysitting than yours do. You are not alone.
- Chat with siblings at any time on #Siblife, our private Facebook community for adult siblings. This is a place to share the highs and lows of sibling life, and everything in between. Gain practical advice and emotional support, and share your wealth of experience with others too, to help reduce their isolation as well. Click here to join.
- Use books, films and podcasts to help others close to you understand what sibling life is like. Many siblings would love their partner or best friend to see things their way, but haven’t found the right way to bring this up. When you find a film or a podcast that you identify with, share it with people close to you and tell them why it matters. Having something that they can ‘see’ will help them to understand a little more. You can find our favourites here.
- Have counselling if you want to explore sibling loneliness at a deeper level, particularly if you feel it affected you in childhood and still impacts your life today. It can be difficult for siblings to seek counselling because they are used to comparing their own experiences to those of their disabled brother or sister’s, but it’s important to know that you deserve a healthy and happy life as much as anybody else. Read more about how to find a counsellor.
- Make your sibling identity known with the professionals in your life that are supporting your mental health, for example, your GP, a counsellor, a university tutor or supportive colleagues at work. Being a sibling of someone with a lifelong disability is part of your identity, just like any other part. Print out a page of Sibs website like this one, highlight the parts that you identify with and pass this on to the professionals that know you. You deserve to have the whole of yourself seen and known and this includes your sibling experiences and the impact they have had.
- Be kind to yourself. Feeling lonely can feel painful. It can feel exhausting. If you were in physical pain, you would do something about it. If you’re in emotional pain, this needs time and attention too. Carve out time, even if it’s just five minutes a day to listen to your favourite song, to do something that is just about Because you matter, in your own right.
“Reading books about other siblings has really helped to validate my own experiences. I feel much stronger” – Adult sibling
“Before I started going to a sibling group, I felt completely alone and felt that no one understood what I was going through. After meeting like-minded people it really lifted me, and encouraged me as I had been feeling very down and isolated.” – Adult sibling
More about loneliness
More support from Sibs
- Join a sibling support group
- Coping with feelings (guilt, worry, anger, sadness)
- Download our eBook ‘self-care for siblings’
- Read about the experiences of other siblings
- How to find a counsellor
- Find books, films, articles and podcasts about sibling issues
- Find Help (frequently asked questions and answers)
I need urgent help
You are not alone – reach out for support:
- To talk about anything that is troubling you, call Samaritans on 116 123 any time of day or night or email [email protected]
- Prefer to text? Use the ‘Give us a shout’ text service. Text ‘Shout’ to 85258 to talk about your feelings, at any time of day or night
- CALM. Phone line 0800 58 58 58, open 5pm – midnight. Webchat service here
Sibs would like to thank all the adult siblings on our reader panel who generously shared their time and experiences to help develop this page. Interested in joining our reader panel? Click here to find out more.
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