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Annie – “How I deal with bullying and harsh words”

The (very) least I can do? It’s funny isn’t it. When you’re a kid. The bullying and harsh words that get thrown at you for being different. They really stick with you. The effects ringing round your brain decades later. You don’t need to be a sibling to know that. Just someone who stands out. … Continued

Jack – Poem: “Making plans for Nigel”

I sat down to write about my sibling strengths and this is what came out. I began thinking about my experiences growing up, and realised a lot of the cringier or more painful memories came from the ignorance of others. So my sibling strengths are being patient when I need to be, assertive if I … Continued

Charlotte & Alistair – Thriving in times of challenge

Tough topics in LD is a podcast created by sibling Alistair Beverley, the LD Physio. You can find more episodes here. In this episode, Alistair is joined by sibling and life coach Charlotte Flynn as they discuss thriving in times of challenge in the run up to National Siblings Day on 10th April.  The episode … Continued