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I can't get homework done

Siblings tell us that it can be hard to get homework done because there is lots going on at home. They get interrupted by their brother or sister, or may have to help to look after them. It is very difficult when this happens.

Some things you can do if you find it hard to do your homework


Ask your parent to help you find a quiet place at home to do your work where you won’t be disturbed.


Tell your teachers if things at home are making it hard for you to do homework.


Ask your parent if you can do your homework at a friend’s house sometimes.

I joined a homework club at lunchtime so I can do some of my work at school with my friends.

More about school life

School life can be tough at times especially if pupils and teachers don’t understand what it’s like for siblings.

Sibling info about disability

Many siblings find it hard to understand disability. Find out about different disabilities and conditions here.

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