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The new year is often a time for new beginnings – going back to school, starting a new term or sometimes taking up a new hobby or starting a new year’s resolution. However, we know that siblings are often brilliant at making it look as though everything is great with them when they are getting on with all these things when really they can feel worried underneath.


Siblings often don’t want to worry parents or carers so they don’t tell them when things are hard. They don’t want to stand out at school so don’t talk to teachers if they find the school day difficult. This means that siblings don’t get the help with worries that they need. Feeling worried can stop siblings spending time with friends, enjoying life and having fun.


Why not make it your New Year’s Resolution to ask for help when you need it – be brave and speak up if you are finding things tough and reach out to someone close to you. People will want to help and you could also write to a sibling advisor if you have worries you need to share – please get in touch and remember that you are not alone.